martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020


The truth is that I like TV series too much so I spend quite a bit of time watching them, however the last TV series I saw was "El reemplazante", a Chilean series that was broadcast on TV, and is currently also on Netflix. 

I like this series very much, since it shows the reality that a group of teenagers from a social slum live, with few resources, inside a school that only sought to generate money and income, and did not care about learning, nor the grades of their students. This particular series makes you recognize the diverse realities that young people, and Chilean adolescents, must live. I think that many times being in a higher job, makes us lose focus, leaving aside the people who have needs. That's why I liked this series very much, and in fact I'm thinking of seeing it again. We were all hoping for a third season, but the directors didn't give us much pleasure, and only gave us 2 really good seasons. I usually fall asleep watching movies or series, but with this one I kept looking forward to every moment. 

I have always liked series that mix different stories, for example, love stories, drama, conflicts, action, a realistic but diverse mix. The truth is that I would like to see the series "Dark", I saw the first chapters, but I have not finished watching it, I hope to do it soon. 

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020


 I have always thought about having a job that allows me to generate changes from the creation of social projects, implementation of public policies, or others. I think that in the first instance to gain experience I would prefer to work indoors. However, it would be great to be able to work both indoors and outdoors, acquiring more experience, knowledge. 

The truth is that I would not like to travel so often in my work, since I would personally like to form my family, and it would be a bit difficult to leave them to go on business trips, however if I have the possibility to make it happy I would make trips for work purposes from time to time. 

I have always thought about having a good salary, one that is in line with my needs and the current salaries of officials in my career, I believe that the issue of salaries should be standardized, so that there are not so many differences between one service and another. 

At the moment I am studying public administration, after finishing my career, I would like to work a

couple of years and then do my postgraduate, maybe I will do it immediately after finishing or I will give myself some time, I don't know . In my postgraduate degree I would like to study political science, or perhaps something related to public policy, areas in which I can develop further and work directly in the creation of these. 

What I am sure of is that I love my career, and I hope to work within a service that really allows me to generate change, I focus and I know I will achieve it.  

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

Blog 3 --> My favorite movie


My favorite movie is "The Simpsons" the truth since I was a little girl I used to watch these little cartoon monkeys, and I always found them very funny. They mix different lifestyles, and they always have specials for different times of the year, for example Halloween, Christmas, among many others.

I especially like this movie, because I have seen it so many times and it never bores me, I still don't understand why, but I am always happy to watch the Simpsons especially if it is the movie, which in a way tries to generate environmental awareness, because Springfield reaches such a point of contamination that it must be locked in a “dome”, people get desperate, but finally “Homero” as the main character creates awareness and frees the city from the government created lockdown as a supposed solution.

I like to watch comedy, romance, adventure and action movies. But without a doubt my favorites are comedy ones, I enjoy watching them a lot.

The last movie I saw through Netflix was "The other Missy" is about comedy and romance, the truth is very funny, you keep watching the whole movie, you won't stop laughing, I really recommend it!

I'm not a big fan of watching movies, I prefer to go for a walk or enjoy outdoor activities, but once in a while I enjoy watching a good movie or a series ....


  No doubt that this summer will be very different from others, constantly caring for the contagion, using a mask, which will prove to be a ...